Programme of the kick-off meeting for NATURE-DEMO

Nature-Based Solutions for Demonstrating Climate-Resilient Critical Infrastructure (NATURE-DEMO) is a project funded by the European Union through the Horizon Europe Programme (Grant No. 101157448). The NATURE-DEMO project starts on May 1st, 2024 for a duration of 48 months, and involves a consortium of leading European research and industry partners. The project's goal is to validate a general methodology for prioritising natural-based solutions (NbS) and their integration into a digital platform, addressing climatic threats such as floods, landslides, and wildfires on civil engineering infrastructure. The project will demonstrate the effectiveness of NbS in safeguarding critical infrastructure, thereby supporting people in areas vulnerable to climate impacts.

The kick-off meeting of the NATURE-DEMO project is designed to initiate the project by bringing together all consortium partners and relevant stakeholders to establish a shared understanding and commitment to the project objectives. The primary goals of this meeting are to introduce the project's overarching framework and individual work packages, clarify the roles and responsibilities of each partner, and foster collaborative relationships among partners. Additionally, the meeting aims to facilitate discussions on strategic approaches to implementing NbS for enhancing climate resilience, ensuring alignment with the needs of local and regional authorities, and setting the groundwork for effective project management and communication.

The meeting is organised by DigInnoCent s.r.o. (DIC), the coordinating entity of NATURE-DEMO project. The two days program is distributed over three days and will take place at two venues. The meeting of the first two days will be held at the IC Building of the Technical University of Liberec and the third day in Building D at the Regional Development Agency.

Day 1 (14.05.2024)

Venue: Technical University of Liberec, Studentská 1402/2, 46117 Liberec

Session I: 13:00 – 14:45

1. Project Overview

  • The session is led by the Coordinator (DIC), who will open the meeting and present the project's objectives and scope, consortium overview, expected impact and benefits, methodology and approach, work packages breakdown, timeline and milestones.

2. Brief introduction by partners and Advisory Board

  • 3-5 minutes presentation of each partner organisation and their specific role(s) and responsibilities within the project.
  • Description of the work packages or tasks that the organisation will lead or contribute to, emphasizing how their expertise will be utilised.
  • Leading partners of WP4 and WP5 will be given more time to breifly introduce their WPs that will start in the second phase of the project and will not have dedicated discussions during the kick-off meeting.
  • 3-5 minutes presentation of the Advisory Board Members, their expertise and potential contributions to the project.

Coffee Break: 14:45 – 15:00

Session II: 15:00 – 17:00

1. Presentation by a representative of the European Funding Agency (Mr Frederik Accoe, Head of Sector at the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency - CINEA):

  • Introduction: Begin with a brief introduction of CINEA, its mission, and its role in managing EU programs related to climate, infrastructure, and environment.
  • Overview of HORIZON Mission: Provide an overview of the EU Missions in Horizon Europe especially the Adaptation to Climate Change, detailing the objectives and the strategic importance of funding projects like NATURE-DEMO.
  • Expectations for Funded Projects: Outline CINEA’s expectations for projects funded under this call, focusing on outcomes, impact, and the integration of innovative approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation.
  • Support and Resources: Discuss the support and resources CINEA provides to facilitate the success of these projects, including monitoring, and guidance.
  • Q&A Session: Allow time for questions from NATURE-DEMO partners and other attendees to clarify CINEA’s expectations and explore potential synergies.

2. Presentations by Czech Authorities and Associations:

  • Introduction of Organisations: Each representative provides a brief introduction to their organisation, highlighting their roles and primary activities related to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Relevance to NATURE-DEMO: Speakers outline how their current activities and strategic objectives align with the goals of the NATURE-DEMO project, potentially identifying areas for future collaboration or support.
  • Expectations from NATURE-DEMO: Discuss what these organisations hope to gain from engaging with the NATURE-DEMO project, such as shared learnings, potential impacts on local policies, or enhanced community resilience.
  • Networking and Collaborative Opportunities: Highlight how these organisations intend to engage with the NATURE-DEMO project and other partners for mutual benefits, emphasizing the importance of networking within the session and the broader project lifecycle.

🍲 Dinner with Informal Networking and Discussions: 19:00 – 22:00

Day 2 (15.05.2024)

Venue: Technical University of Liberec, Studentská 1402/2, 46117 Liberec

Session I: 9:00 – 10:30

Work Package 1 - Nature-based Solutions for Infrastructure Resilience

The leader of the work package, Alchemia-Nova Research & Innovation Gemeinnützige GmbH (ANRI) , will present an in-depth overview of the objectives and deliverables of this pivotal component of the project. This work package will be developed in cooperation with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU).


  • Catalogue of suitable NbS for climate-resilient infrastructure (ANRI)
  • Methodology for NbS integration into digital tools (BOKU)

Coffee Break: 10:30 – 10:45

Session II: 10:45 – 12:15

Work Package 2 - Develop the digital decision support platform

The leader of the work package, IBM Research GmbH in Zurich (IBM), will present an in-depth overview of the objectives and deliverables of this pivotal component of the project. This work package will be developed in cooperation with Telespazio UK Ltd (TPZUK) and IHCantabria (FIHAC).


  • Methodological framework for risk reduction analysis of infrastructures based on NbS (FIHAC)
  • Asset and regional structural health monitoring improvement (TPZUC)
  • Digital decision support platform for risk-reduction analysis (IBM)

🍲 Lunch break: 12:15 – 13:00

Session III: 13:00 – 14:30

Work Package 3 - Devise Living Labs to test nature-based solutions

The leader of the work package, Technical University in Zvolen (TUZVO), will present an in-depth overview of the objectives and deliverables of this pivotal component of the project. This work package will be developed in cooperation with Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH), University of Ljubljana (UL), and Telespazio UK Ltd (TPZUK).


  • NbS conceptual design for each demonstrator (TUZVO)
  • List of KPI for monitoring the demonstrators and the effectiveness of NbS (DUTH)
  • Public Procurement Strategy (UL)
  • Infrastructure characterisation Historical (TPZUK)

Coffee Break: 15:00 – 15:30

Session IV: 15:30 – 17:00

Work Package 6 - Outreach, Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation

The leader of the work package, the Transylvania University of Brašov (UTBV), will present an in-depth overview of the objectives and deliverables of this pivotal component of the project. This work package will be developed in cooperation with ProPark Foundation for Protected Areas (PPK), the Technical University of Ostrava (VSB) , and DigInnoCent s.r.o. (DIC).


  • Stakeholder mapping (PPK)
  • Project dissemination and communication package (UTBV)
  • Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) strategies (VSB)
  • Targeted events and focus groups on NbS for infrastructure climate adaptation (UTBV)
  • Exploitaion Plan (DIC)

🍲 Dinner with Informal Networking and Discussions: 19:00 – 22:00

Day 3 (16.05.2024)

Venue: Regional Development Agency, U Jezu 525/4, 46001 Liberec

Session I: 9:00 – 10:30

      Presentation of the Regional Development Agency

      The Regional Development Agency (ARR) was established in 1993 with the aim of providing technical and expert assistance for the municipal association of towns and municipalities within the Nisa Euroregion. The ARR engages in various activities aimed at benefiting the region's inhabitants, economic entities, and institutions. ARR is based in the European House in the center of Liberec, adjacent to the Regional Office of Liberec Region. Since 2020, it has expanded to include the newly renovated D Building, which houses the Liberec Business Incubator (, innovative companies cooperating with, and a contemporary coworking center. We will have a tour at the building and be introduced to the companies and startups in the Inculbator.

    • Presentation of the National Contact Point (NCP) of the Horizon Programme in the Czech Republic

      Discussion on the financial and legal obligations with best practices required from partners to avoid mistakes during the reporting for the Horizon Programme. Interactive discussions with a direct answer for the relevant pop-up questions.

    Coffee Break: 10:30 – 10:45

    Session II: 10:45 – 12:15

    Set up and Consulting with External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB):

    To maximise NATURE-DEMO impact and enlarge its scope of coverage, the project forms an Advisory Board (AB) that comprises members from different backgrounds that are mainly connected to the value chains of infrastructure operations, environmental, climatology, and digitalisation. The AB will support the project’s operation and provide practical insights to achieve NATURE-DEMO’s expected outcomes and the desired impacts. NATURE-DEMO will leverage its AB members' strong industrial, regulatory, and academic experience and invite them to the Consortium meetings to be more engaged with the project activities.

    Closing remarks:

    The closing session of the NATURE-DEMO kick-off meeting will consolidate the discussions, insights, and collaborative ideas that have emerged over the course of the three-day event. Scheduled to conclude the meeting, this session will be led by the project Coordinator, who will summarise the key outcomes of each session, emphasizing the strategic directions and consensus reached on the project's implementation. It will also reaffirm the roles and expectations of each partner, ensuring alignment and commitment towards the shared goals. The coordinator will address any final queries and outline the next steps, including immediate actions and timelines for upcoming deliverables. This session will be crucial for ensuring that all participants leave with a clear understanding of their responsibilities and the project's trajectory, setting the stage for a successful collaboration.

    🍲 Closing Luncheon - 12:30

    Directions to Liberec and hotel recommendations are available here. For further inquiries about the kick-off meeting, please contact DIC (